In the beginning of Chapter 6: "Better Without Me", we see a new character make his debut as an Iktochi Jedi. Although we don't learn his name, the character development is enough to pull us into the character thanks to Zen Utaru's (Writer) great writing skills. The Iktochi Jedi soon encounters the Hunter, who we last saw take down Master Tendo Nin, Tay, and several other Jedi in Chapter 5! I must say during the great duel between the Jedi and the Hunter, I had speculation over who would win. Also, who didn't like the cross guard light saber?! Lemme show you a pic of the first appearance of a cross guard light saber that doesn't belong to Kylo Ren in Photonovel history:
Pretty awesome, I'm not gonna lie. Also, another thing you might not have caught, but the Iktochi Jedi forged a light saber crystal that was immune to the traits of a cortosis blade. For those of you who don't know, cortosis blades were used many times in the past, and were famously known for being able to deactivate light sabers. Here's a pic on cortosis blades:
Also, if you read on the Wookieepedia, the cortosis wiki site speaks that the swords were manufactured mostly during the Jedi Civil War, and it doesn't speak of any other manufacturers during the Galactic Civil War. So whatever sword the Hunter used at the time, was ancient!
Moving on, so it turns out, that the Hunter ends op brutally beating the snot out of the Iktochi Jedi, and the Hunter has Battle droids take his body away. The Hunter then takes the weapon of the Iktochi and thinks to himself saying that his master will be pleased. Who is his master? Is it a Force user? If so is it the Emperor? If it isn't a Force user could it be the one who started the entire epidemic of the zombie apocalypse? Is it General Gord, the Cato Nemoidian who took over the Trade Federation outpost?
So after seeing the Iktochi Jedi get beat half to death, we find Zen Utaru, Waxer, and Tim Rolando after all this time. We get to see them working as a unit fighting off the dead, identifying the dead as "Pests" which was pretty cool. Also, we're introduced to the fact that the Screechers are evolving, where they're eyes go from not glowing. Well then. Moving on.
So it reaches night, and Zen decides that he needs to separate from the group. When Waxer asks why, Zen brings up the names of several clones. At first I didn't recognize the names, then looking back over the chapters I recalled. He mentioned: Bronze, Acc, and Rojo.
Acc is the scout trooper in very back who was shot by a droideka, Rojo is the shock trooper on the right and was halfway eaten and then revived as a Screecher, Bronze is the one on the left, and was infected during his third appearance.
So Zen feels responsible for their deaths, and doesn't feel like he is fit to lead. Not only that, the Cato Nemoidian Jedi Knight feels like he is becoming disconnected from the Force, and almost evil. He says he needs to be alone, and that he needs to meditate. Agreeing to leave, Waxer and Tim leave the next morning. Then the Hunter comes, and he is wielding a red light saber, however, we see no sign of him being Force sensitive. Zen and the Hunter fight for some time, Zen is able to stay head to head with the Hunter for some time, until the unbeatable warrior brings in battle droids to help him out. Then the Hunter muse over his work. Then he brings up his master identifying his master as "her". So that scratches out General Gord and the Emperor. To be honest I don't have a clue who his master is. The Hunter says that "she" will be pleased to see his collection of Jedi. Looking upon Zen's body, the Hunter sees him, believe him to be "the one". The only possible meaning I can think of is the fact that General Gord was looking for a host. However, it can't be possible because the Hunter referred to his Master as a female.
Well fans, that's all I got for today, we'll see you next time on "Talking Star Wars"
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