So following chapter 3 we find the youngling Jedi Rek-Den-Gol, or otherwise known as "Denny", as well as the Mirilian pilot, Nava. They have followed the trail to the community of Pandem, and after being taken in, Denny is greeted by two Jedi, one of which being Tendo Nin, a character who made his first debut in the previous chapter. We also get acquainted with a new Jedi character named Ora Tay, a Kel Dor Jedi Master.
I really like this character so far. He has this...Plo Koon...Ki-Adi Mundi swag about him, and who can't deny the awesomeness of that double-belt waist he's pulling off! Here's another shot of him:
Not only are we introduced to this character, but also General Goff Rubar, (The man to the right.) as well as:
Soon following that series of introduction, the leaders of the community confront an issue. That issue is the Confederacy...or what's left of it. Apparently they've taken all the power, diverting all electricity to their facility. So the community, who is struggling with that very issue, decide to use their military resources to divert the power to their community. However, General Rubar understands that his soldiers, as well as General Tay's remaining members of the GAR are not enough, and ask for the aid of the survives living in the community. For those that didn't notice, we saw some familiar faces in the crowd of survivors.
Moving on! So the volunteers go out to fight, and we're greeted by the battle droids who officially start the war against the survivors. My question are the droids still active? Also once again we are warmed to the creative ideas of Zen Utaru. I still have SOOO many questions, one of which being: What is the fate of Pandem? Are we going to see a dramatic fall like the prison in The Walking Dead? All I can do is eat my spaghetti while reading about zombies eating clone troopers as they shoot battle droids.
That's it folks, looking forward to the fifth episode of Star Wars: Dead Among the Living!
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