We open the scene with Spar, Hanily, and K1-C4 finding shelter inside an old Republic outpost. This is the first time we've seen the three since twelve episodes ago in season 1. One of the few thing's that I noticed is the fact that Spar's clothes are battle torn and set up with more armor pieces from Clone Troopers and a chest piece very similar to Darth Vader's.
As you can see, their chest pieces are identical. Perhaps that indicates the idea that Spar could be headed down the same path. It's not the worst theory, if you think about it, as last seen in episode eleven of season one, Spar showed quite a bit of anger when he killed Commander Deeno, and as seen in this episode, he gets his buttons pushed by the Hunter during their duel. Maybe the feeling of betrayal, plus the reopening of the wounds of the past are the few dark steps toward the dark side, and maybe the chest pieces are an indication of this theory.
Later in the chapter, the Hunter makes another appearance, and once again reveals that he is, in fact, a Force sensitive being, having sensed Spar's presence, and using the Force to snatch Hanily's blaster and throw her into the woods. But what surprised me even more, was after Hanily shot the Hunter FIVE times, four times in areas that WOULD kill ANYBODY, even by Star Wars' standards. Darth Maul, Mace Windu, Boba Fett, and Darth Sidious have nothing on the Hunter when he suddenly seems to come back to life after Hanily's trigger session. But it was revealed that it was actually a healing factor.
Yes. That kinda healing factor.
Well Spar and the Hunter fall into a great duel, but during the fight, the Hunter reveals that behind all his other traits he also has the ability to read the stories of the past of Force Users. Where most Jedi Masters can foresee the future, this guy can foresee the past. Using this ability, the Hunter taunts the Jedi, mentioning him to be part of a Human-Geonosian mixed heritage. So it seems as though Spar isn't completely Human. He has some Geonosian in him as well. Just to give you guys an idea of what a geonosian is compared to Humans...
Here's a Human...
Here's a Geonosian.
I know: you can barely tell the difference. But somehow, these two species belong to Spar's DNA. But it HAS to be more human, considering his facial features and bodily structure. So perhaps he's gotta grandpa, or even a great-grandpa who went head over heals for a giant, green termite. Who knows.
But if everything that the Hunter said was true, Spar had to have faced a rough past, considering that the first battle of the Clone Wars was on Geonosian territory, having cost the lives of hundreds of Spar's heritage. Spar's loyalty was definitely put into question of which side to choose, and as reveal in the episode, Spar decided to "run", and avoid making the decision. So he went into exile, but the question was: how long? He obviously came back or else he wouldn't have fought during the rescue mission at the very first episode of Dead Among the Living.
Near the end of their duel, they find themselves having to fight off the dead and fight each other at the same time. I was genuinely impressed with how Zen Utaru and Golden Guy Pictures put this together. The cinematography was incredible just as each episode get's better and better. The chapter ends without revealing of lost and who won. I really hope Spar isn't captured, because that could tie in well with Spar going out to rescue Zen Utaru and the rest of the Jedi, and then that could be how Spar and Zen reunite and get to Pandem with the rest of the Jedi. But that's just a theory.
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