Monday, May 9, 2016

Hey everyone! Well it finally arrived, the premier of the second season of Star Wars Dead Among the Living, and I am loving it already! But, before I continue, just know that what you are about to read is an article on the episode itself and it will contain SPOILERS from the episode itself! So if you haven't read S2: E1 of Dead Among the Living, stop right now, and read the chapter before reading this post! Ok, so here we go, we're introduced to a Padawan named S'ven Marloew, and a former soldier named Rhic Grymz. They see some shelter, but they run into a horde too big for either to able to avoid. It wasn't long before the Padawan dies to give Rhic a chance to escape, and something very interesting has been discovered between the Jedi and the zombies known famously as: Screechers! If you haven't already seen the giant words printed below, you're about to. This is another section of...


 In the begining of the chapter, we start off without the traditional intro vanishing into space. Instead we get reminded of what's happened by bringing us back through each episode in season 1, just like what we would see in shows on television. Genius. Zen was inspired to execute this idea after reading several chapters of Rycroft Enloe Chronicles, and the new hit series: Star Wars: Will of the Force. After the flash back, we see two completely new characters we've never seen before. One being a Jedi Padawan named S'ven Marloew, and a soldier named Rhic Grymz...sound familiar?

Yes, you probably guessed it. Zen Utaru designed Rhic Grymz off of Rick Grimes from AMC's the Walking Dead. 

Then there's the Jedi and zombie problem. After reading over season one and then this new recent episode, we find out that the Jedi survivors on Bondo III cannot sense the presence of the Screechers through the Force...much like the Yuuzhan Vong situation during that era. Finding out for sure about this made me less disappointed in Zen Utaru when my favorite clone survivor "Bronze" was bitten right next to Zen Utaru himself. 

After that whole thing blew over, S'ven and Rhic find themselves in the midst of a horde of the dead too large for both to escape or fight on their own. S'ven then decides to distract the horde so that Rhic can live on...because anyone named Rhic or other variations of that name is destined to live for a while in the apocalypse. But yes, S'ven gets killed by a dog-pile of Screechers. No seriously a dog-pile. If you don't remember, take a look. 


So there you have it, folks! That's the first episode of a the new season of Dead Among the Living. We're all looking forward to more episodes coming up, and as always, may the Force be with you!

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