Friday, July 31, 2015

On the cursed planet of Bondo III, seven months of long, painful, dark months have passed. The ecosystem had adapted under the contaminated aura and began to produce plant life.

Within the seventh month that the plant life had begun to grow, Bondo had become a forest over a granite-based industrial world. 

Stuck in a carnivorous exile are clone troopers Yates and Shredder. 

Before hand, Yates had his leg amputated. Although Shredder did his best to prevent bleeding, the inexperienced soldier in the arts of medical emergencies now watched his brother-in-arms bleed to death.  

The overwhelming pain of hunger and thirst for food and water didn't compare to Shredder's guilt. He was going to lose his last comrade and from then on, he would be alone. 

They continued to pray to the Force for assistance, but the Force had left the dark planet of Bondo III, leaving everyone cursed and helpless. 

Now the cocky clone trooper had to wait second after second, knowing that each moment passing an ounce of his blood was leaving his weak body. He was going to die a slow death. 

Feeling helpless and hopeless, but not wanting to leave his brother, Shredder stayed where he was, waiting for death to come over Yates like a warm blanket. 


"Yes, what is it?"

"I....I want you to shoot me." 


"Do it Shredder...." Yates garbled, "Sh-shoot me...please!" 

"No, Yates, I can't do it. I can't kill my own brother." Shredder replied grimly. 

"Then...give me my gun." Yates begged desperately. 

Meeting Yates' wants, Shredder gave the murder weapon to the dying clone. 

"Stay alive, Shredder. Promise'll make it back to Kamino...and tell them about us."

"I promise."

Now on the move, Shredder prepared to devote his entire life to surviving and to escape...somehow. 

His devotion already being tested as the dead corpse of Yates charged Shredder screeching a high, ear-piercing tone. 

Without hesitation, Shredder spun and blasted his rifle into the clone's skull.
"You're not Yates anymore..."

"You're something entirely different." 

"......This is Commander Thrad Neilus of the Bondo III military. I am sending this message on all GAR and BMC frequencies..."

"...If you are receiving this message, consider it a beacon to any survivors of the Grand Army of the Republic and Bondo Military associates."

"You will find me at Fort Ostif in the...remains of the control center."

"It is important that you answer the beacon by cooperating with these instructions for the security of this planet. Listen carefully and do not forget these instructions. First off, be sure that you find a blaster of any kind, also make sure that it is fully loaded when you arrive at the base. Upon your arrival, be sure that you are not followed, and in the circumstance that you are, do whatever deems necessary to avoid and lose them. May the Force be with you, and may it guide your instincts."

 After the message came to an end, Shredder stayed seated on the side of the walkway. It had been almost since the begining of the apocalypse that Shredder had no contact with anyone other than with Yates. Now all of the sudden, he was receiving a beacon from a soldier of the Bondo III military. Perhaps the Force did linger on?  

The next day, Shredder had done as the messenger had ordered and had come upon Fort Ostif's control center, which had fell under great conflict, but retaken under circumstances Shredder wasn't present to witness. 

Standing in front of the clone trooper were three soldiers. Two of them were clones and the other blanketed in a shadowy aura. 

"My brothers," Shredder greeted, "My name is Shredder, I just came from the outskirts of Fort Knox. I received a beacon from a soldier speaking of this location."

"That would be the grunt hiding himself from us. The names Three, 601st BARC infantry." The BARC trooper replied.

"And I'm Piss....don't ask why." The scout trooper butted in. His face folded in a shameful frown behind the helmet. 

"Don't want to. What's the insecure non-clone in the corner?" Shredder questioned, his grip on the rifle beginning to loosen. 

"Don't know much about him, he won't speak unless he feels like it. But he's definitely BMC material." 

"With all do respect, sir," Shredder stated to the shadowy figure, "I understand your attempts for a dramatic entrance, but I don't cooperate with people who don't want people to get to know them. Lack of trust leads to lack of victory." 

"My name is The Hunter,"

"I was the one responsible for sending the beacon. I have been sent on a mission to hunt down the Jedi and collect them. It is my soul purpose, the defining of my existence." 

"Just before Bondo III's apocalypse, the Chancellor of the Republic sent a contingency order to every GAR frequency. It was an Order to eliminate all Jedi Generals."

"Although there were a few commanding officers who received and acted on the order, most of them didn't receive the order, and in fewer cases, they rejected the order for the purpose of surviving."

"Even still, the Jedi are to be hunted down and destroyed, and it has become my responsibility as Bondo III's top Commanding Officer and close friend of Palpatine to finish the job." 

"Really?" Shredder reacted sarcastically, "So can you explain what the Hoth is going on here with all the walking dead and eating corpses?!"

"The results of my actions either lead to chaos or victory. Soon you will discover the truth if your loyalty will live up to your knowledge of this chaos." 

"Speak of the outer rim angles." Piss acknowledged. 

"My fellow Jedi," Thrad greeted, "Thank you for answering the call." 

Accepting his new role on the planet of Bondo III, Shredder tightened his grip on his weapon.  

Suddenly, the Jedi drew their weapons. They felt the dark tremor in the Force.

This fight had now become the starting point of a conflict in a world of conflict. It had now become a war between the hunter and the hunted...

...The hunted being all Jedi on Bondo III!


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