Here are some of my customs that I made over a series of months, enjoy!
Sha Koon
I redesigned her, drew a couple of concepts, and it turned out pretty cool.
I used Plo Koon Clone Wars hands and lower arms and head, Bultar Swan body and waste clothe, and Joclad Danva legs with a Qui-Gon-Jinn light saber.
It wasn't very hard, but definitely one of my favorites, you've probably seen her a couple of times in the Dead Among the Living, but I assure you it is not her.
Tsui Choi
I redesigned him using podracing aleenian legs and arms, and the results in my opinion were extremely cool, it really screams out: "Clone Wars"
Roblio Darte
I actually decided to go for Roblio Darte before he lost his eye which was some time during the Clone Wars.
Qui-Gon-Jinn's head was to play a good part, I actually consider using the head of a dwarf from The Hobbit, but I reconsidered because I wanted Roblio to look unique and younger instead of a Roblio Darte that looks like the Master after the Jedi Purge. I used the body and upper arms of Darth Sidious, lower arms and hands of Han Solo, the waste belt of Agen Kolar, the waste clothe of Joclad Danva, and Barriss Offee waste clothe with it cut in half, and the legs of Anakin Skywalker.
The light saber was difficult but I managed to super glue Anakin's light saber and glue it to the near end of Plo Koon's light saber, the results were great.
Nikto Jedi pilot (New Republic Era)
I used the body of Luke Skywalker and the hands of Biggs Darklighter, with the light saber of Barris Offee, and the head of a Nikto guard.
Tholothian Jedi (New Republic Era)
This Jedi, I used another Biggs Darklighter body with Stass Allie's head and a Mace Windu light saber.
Luke Skywalker (New Republic: Shaddows of Mindor)
This figure was really fun to make, I used yet another Biggs Darklight body with Luke Skywalker "Empire Strike Back" hands, and Luke Skywalker "Return of the Jedi" head and light saber, I also did some ash and burns on the Jedi Knight.
Well, that's it for now, I hope you enjoyed looking at the customs.
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