Hours after the attack at the grand wealthy man's abode, Screechers have already begun to overwhelm the empty household.
Unknown to many, the deadly toxin that spread over Bondo III had not only wiped out communications, and most of the technology, but also prevented the termination signal from Mustafar to deactivate the Confederate Battle Droids lingering there.
Thankfully to the not-up-to-date Trade Federation members on Bondo III, the Battle Droids are not targeted by Screechers...unless threatened.
The leading B2 Super Battle Droid scanned the area for more Screechers, keeping his blaster upraised in case his detector was warping under such circumstances.
"Scanning for heat signatures," the leader's right side Droid stated, "receiving no readings."
"Scan again, we'll check the perimeter afterwards."
"ROGER, ROGER!!" the two following replied.
"Scanning complete...now scanning for nearby droids." the right flanking droid proclaimed.
"Receiving no readings on second scan for heat signatures." the left flank stated.
"No droids in a one mile radius." the left flank replied.
"Scanning for heat signatures in a two mile radius..." the commander stated, there was a long pause until,
"...There's a pack of individuals with increased heat signatures, probably our targets." the commander told his squad.
"We'll advance there." left flank stated, right flank replied with a positive, "Roger, roger."
At the rear bottom of a small citadel, a pair of Screechers spot a trio of droids, but are not threatened until it is too late...
...As blaster fire rips into the chests of the Screechers and they fall to the ground.
"Lock blasters and fire at heat signatures at a 75 degree angle."
"Advance, watch your 12 o'clock, left flank."
"Roger, roger."
"Heat signatures on next level."
"Open fire."
"SCCRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEECCCCHHHHH!!!!" bellows a Screecher advancing towards the left flanking droid, the Battle Droid sees the threat, and locks onto the Screecher...
...But before he could fire the Screecher is two feet away from his position...
...And feels his circuits warping as his fire arm is ripped from his shoulders, his eyesight flickers, and his body staggers...
...And is completely terminated as it is tackled over the walkway and crashes onto the ground.
The fall mixes up the droid's insides, while the Screecher breaks its own neck from the fall.
The droid gives out a low moan as it winks out of life and is deactivated.
"Advance to next floor." the leader commands,
Again, the droids climb onto the last floor...
Already tearing its way into the lines with its fire power.
"SSSCCCCRRRREEEE-GGAAHHH!!!!!" cries out the Screecher as it's shot in the chest.
"No mercy." says the right flank at it blasts a hole into the next Screecher.
Killing all the remaining Screechers, the two Super Battle Droid stand firm at the backside of the citadel.
"Maintain your position at the citadel, terminate any heat signatures while I am absent inside the citadel and out." the right flanking droid waited a few seconds to calculate how he will attack, where he will attack, and how long it will take, before responding:
"Roger, Roger."
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