Saturday, September 20, 2014

Once, it was a great fortress, a home to many clones and Jedi, now Fort Yuxx has been laid waste, contaminated by the dead. 

Dozens of Jedi, thousands of clones, millions of citizens...all Screechers.

Save two. 
CTO/666, or otherwise known as: Shredder,

And CT/ 6086, also known as "Yates". Both soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic, though unknown to them, the Republic has been destroyed from the inside out. 

Successfully taking the advantage, Yates was able to reach the top of the debriefing stair case, drawing the majority of the Screechers towards him, while Shredder did what he did best behind enemy lines. Taken by surprise, many of the Screechers were shot from behind,  

Their infected lives forced to be at an end. 

"I hope Fort Ostif is doing better than we are." Shredder hoped as he unleashed rain falls of crimson death upon the infected, using his training and experience in battle to keep him alive every second while he still stood on his good two feat.    

"I'm not sure if I can take much more of this, Yates! I've killed too many brothers-in-arms." Shredder stated emotionally, knowing that the blood on his hands could fill gallons.

His imperfect humanity told him to give in to the chaos, and let them take him, then he could hear his father, yelling in disgusted anger...

"Prove your worth, you scum of the galaxy..."

"...Today you shall postpone the apocalypse!"

Clearing a section of the room for a few seconds, Shredder looked up at the top of the stair case,
"How are you handling, Yates?"

"So far I'm doing bad, and after what we've already been through, bad is good!" Yates replied, challenging the Screechers.

And a challenge he received as the Screechers rushed in for the kill.

Crowds of Screechers rushed up the stairs and climbed over seats and railings, charging the cocky Clone of a Mandalorian.

Although cocky, Yates held his ground, blasting a sentient in the face just as a Semblian rushed for him,

Though the Semblian's attempt was futile and was gunned down with ease.
"You can't touch me!" Yates cried out, "I'm the son of Jango Fett!"

"Keep it up Yates!" Shredder encouraged as he shot down one Screecher after another.

The death tole rising, Yates and Shredder could see a spark of hope...

...That spark becoming a candle light...

...Then it was a burning flame on Mustafar!

It was until the human Screecher fell that the fire was extinguished.


Screaming in agony, the Clone stumbled backward as the Screecher fed on the clone's leg.

"Get back, you filth!" cried out Shredder as his gun sprayed blaster fire from his DC-15...

...Killing the Aleenian instantly.

"Are you OK, Yates?" Shredder asked,

Nearly speechless in seeing the bite marks on his comrade's leg, he managed to sputter from his lips behind the mask, "Y-you're bitten."

"No!" the clone cried out, "I'm not going down like this, I saw a Republic cortosis blade on one of the stair cases, go get it!" Yates commanded, 

Rushing for the sword of which his brother spoke, he took it up from the ground and hurried back to Yates, fearful for both Yates, and his own life.

Not wasting a moment, the clone prepared to chop off his brother's leg to prevent the infection from coursing through his veins. 

With a single swing of the blade, the sword met its target, and removed the limb from his body. 

After hours of surgery, the clone was safe from most of the bleeding, they managed to escape the fortress, and were promised the next sunrise, though hid from any light for days.

The dead fed on the dead, and the living suffered in chaotic exile.

None stood a chance, not even droids.

Cursed, Bondo III was, and the witch who cast the curse upon the planet was unknown to everyone and everything.

Life itself became impossible, the sky was infected, and the ground covered in blankets of blood.

Hiding in an old prison cell within the gates of the Republic fortress, the clones feared for life, praying to the Force that they could live the next hour.

Praying for help, and a ticket back to their home of which they were born.
"Please," Yates grumbled, "Please, just please."

But there was no reply, because it was the Dark Side of the Force that took over, and the Dark Side was merciless,

It was unforgiving, 

And it defeated the Light Side,

As it did outside the planet. The Force was gone, therefore...

...The Force is with no one.

TO BE CONTINUED.......................